Tools & partners

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Localazy is a localization platform for developers.

Special offer: Get 10% discount on every plan

Why you should use Localazy:

Localazy integrates seamlessly with supastarter and enables you to translate your app in multiple languages in minutes.

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Supabase is an open source Firebase alternative based on PostgreSQL.

Why you should use Supabase:

Supabase works perfectly as the database and storage provider for supastarter. Read the setup guide →

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uneed is a launch platform for your products.

Why you should use uneed:

It helps you share your product with the world and get feedback from your users.

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Vercel is a frontend cloud platform that enables developers deploy their apps faster.

Why you should use Vercel:

Vercel is the perfect platform to deploy your supastarter app. It provides a seamless experience to deploy your app in seconds. Read deployment guide &rarr

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Netlify is a cloud platform that helps you build, deploy, and scale modern web projects.

Why you should use Netlify:

Netlify is a great choice to deploy your supastarter app. It provides a seamless experience to deploy your app in seconds.

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Save time and focus on your business with supastarter, the scalable and production-ready starter kit for your SaaS.

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